Anne Isabelle  François

Anne Isabelle François


Anne Isabelle François is Senior Lecturer (maître de conférences) of comparative literature at Sorbonne Nouvelle University since 2007. After higher studies in France (École normale supérieure) and the UK (Cambridge), she completed her Ph.D. (summa cum laude) at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris) and the University of Dresden. Specialising in European literatures of the 20th and 21st centuries, she pursues her research as member of the Centre d’Études et de Recherches Comparatistes. Her fields of research include Gender and Cultural Studies, intermediality, the Western imaginaire, the concept of "mother tongue", and Popular Culture. She has authored numerous articles and publications and organized a series of international conferences  Her recent co-editions include: with Maxime Cervulle and Patrick Farges, the volume Marges du masculin : exotisation, déplacements, recentrements (Paris, L’Harmattan, coll. "Genres, sexes, identités", 2015); with Edyta Kociubińska, Gilbert Pham-Thanh and Pierre Zoberman, the volume Figures du dandysme (Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang, coll. "Études de linguistique, littérature et arts", 2017); and with Anne Besson, Sarah Lécossais, Matthieu Letourneux and Anne-Gaëlle Weber, an issue of the online journal Belphégor: "Mutations des légitimités dans les productions culturelles contemporaines", Belphégor n° 17.1, 2019


Ausgabe 6/2019

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